Our Programs

Primary, Tertiary-University Level for the Girl Child. Vocational Skills Acquisition.
Job Trainings, Seminars and Mentorship Programs.
Children and Women Healthcare/Wellness.
Providing Shelter, Education and Food to Orphans

Helen Akhigbe Aikhoje Memorial Home

The Helen Akhigbe-Aikhoje Memorial Home was birthed out of a vow made to God by its founder during the uncertain and difficult years as a single parent. Though drained physically, emotionally and mentally, God by His Grace and Mercy kept her strong spiritually. She did not lose faith in God but kept praying, believing and trusting Him to preserve her life and continue to strengthen her to care for her children. It was during one of these trying and challenging days when she felt she was losing consciousness, she cried out to God in prayers. "Please Lord, don't let me die, you could have used someone else to bring these children to the world but you chose to use me. Lord, you will also use me to raise them. Lord, grant me the strength and life to care for them". While praying, she heard God speak to her. "What about the abandoned and orphaned children in Nigeria who have no parents?" Immediately she answered and said "Lord, if you take care of my children, when they grow up, I will go back to Nigeria and care for the abandoned and orphaned children."
That was how the vow was made to God.
In 2007, She began visiting orphanages in Nigeria. She also visited Central Hospital Benin City. She made material and financial donations for medications to the Premature Babies and Children wards. She paid hospital bills for children discharged but not released home because their parents could not pay the hospital bills. This to her, was fulfilling the vow, until she had another encounter with God.
During this encounter, God spoke to her to surrender her building in Benin City for an orphanage in fulfillment of the Vow. This was a hard and difficult thing to do because she had plans for the building and opening an orphanage was not in the plan. However, when God began to use other people to speak to her, she obeyed Him. The orphanage is located in Benin City, Edo State Nigeria. The facility is ultra modern and of international standard. It is well furnished and well equipped with amenities. Our staff are God fearing professional men and women who are committed and dedicated to the total well- being of our children - body, soul and spirit.

Girls on the Frontline

This is an educational sponsorship program for the underprivileged female child who otherwise will not be privileged to be offered any education. It a is common knowledge that in some cultures and societies, the female child is not offered the same equal rights and opportunities as the male child. While the male child is being groomed for education, the female child is groomed for early marriage. This program is designed to enable the female child to belief in herself. To understand she is not inferior, but has the same fundamental human rights as a male child. She can have her own dreams, goals, aspirations in life and fulfill her God given potentials.

Women in Need Program:

This is a mentorship, skills acquisition training and economic empowerment program for underprivileged single mothers without education and the financial capacity to care for their children. Our aim is to break the cycle of family property. Most of these women are victims of societal ills such as rape, domestic violence, prostitution, abandonment, physical, emotional and mental abuse. These women need the rebuilding of their total well-being. Through the Total Woman seminars, workshops and trainings, we hope to be able to work with these women to ameliorate the devastation facing them. To this effect, we have given financial grants for small business start ups, made donations which included but not limited to sewing machines, hair dryers and commercial food processing machines for economic empowerment and better living.

Hunger Crush

According to UNICEF, in Jan 2017 an estimated 90,000 children were to die of hunger within a 12 month period. The daily estimation of children dying due to starvation and acute malnutrition is about 240. While food is a basic human need for growth and health, it is heartbreaking to know there are people who go to bed hungry.
To combat hunger in the communities we serve, Iladai Charities through her Hunger Crush program, donates food to the hungry as often as available.

Naija-We-Care Project

This is Iladai Charities Patriotism Education Project. The aims and objectives include but are not limited to:
(1) Helping citizens see Nigeria differently and fall in love with their country again.
(2) Help citizens pledge loyalty to their country, Nigeria.
(3) To help promote peace and unity.
(4) To showcase Nigeria in a positive light in Africa and the nations of the world.